Thursday, August 27, 2020

Women’s Roles during WW1 Essay Example for Free

Women’s Roles during WW1 Essay World War 1 was a crucial occasion that influenced Canada from multiple points of view. Not just for the men that battled for their nation, yet in addition for the a large number of ladies that contributed behind the warriors of the bleeding edges. It was a substantial change for them; going from dependant housewife to being utilized at probably the biggest businesses and plants. World War 1 was focused on Europe and started in the late spring of 1914 (Wikipedia). That late spring changed the lives of numerous families in Europe, and everywhere throughout the world. Men had to leave their homes and families behind and battle for their nations. In aftereffect of the men’s nonappearance, ladies had the chance to take the accessible occupations. It was a significant advance throughout the entire existence of ladies, since they were restricted to their homes and explicit employments called â€Å"women’s work† before World War 1 occurred. Ladies began to acquire opportunity and obligation, yet at the same time kept their jobs at home. Much to their dismay that World War 1 would furnish them with the chance to get effective and free, and that it would change their lives for eternity. Ladies were nearly committed to fill in for the men who were away from home, which was an exceptionally enormous change for ladies. Men were the suppliers for their families, and the ladies were required to finish the obligations at home and explicit women’s work. Women’s work comprised of two fundamental exchanges, material and garments. These occupations utilized undeniably a bigger number of ladies than men. Ladies once in a while left the house, and they were kept occupied by satisfying the job of mother, spouse, and maid. Their primary occupation was to keep their spouses glad, and the house in a precise manner.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The British Renaissance Produced Many Types of Literature Essay

The British Renaissance Produced Many Types of Literature and Was Influenced By Shakespeare, Marlow, and Spenser The British Renaissance created numerous kinds of writing for the world to see. Shakespeare, Spenser, and Marlowe all added to the forming of the timeframe. Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" depicts one of the run of the mill love sonnets that can be seen from the Renaissance. A man is looking for the love of another young lady, or lady. Sir Walter Raleigh composed a sonnet in light of this entry of Marlowe's entitled "The Nymph's Answer to the Shepherd." Although the name of the young lady isn't expressed anyplace in the previous sonnet, Raleigh chose to utilize a wood sprite as his subject. The Shepherd is by all accounts an important man. His argue for the sprite's adoration appears valid, however is empty. The Nymph's answer honestly brings up this to the Shepherd in her answer and facetiously declines him her adoration. The subjects old enough, climate and the seasons, and realism all show up in the two sonnets. However, the two creators use them distinctively to show how love ought to be accomplished. Love ought to be accomplished by utilization of the heart. This hypothesis is the reason of Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." The Shepherd in his sonnet offers the world to his Love and everything with it. He is an elderly person what's more, would like to win the young lady's heart. Notice the word ‘hopes.' On the off chance that these joys thy brain may move, At that point live with me and be my adoration. Thus the...

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write College Application Essays

How to Write College Application EssaysWriting college application essays is quite easy to do, provided you know how. There are many people who dread writing a college essay. They just find it very difficult and that is why they keep using pen and paper instead of writing it online. But this is not the right way to do it.Today you can easily find step by step instructions in the internet that will teach you how to write college application essays in minutes. You can even have them proofread for you too. They will not only help you when you are writing them but also ensure that they are grammatically correct.What exactly do you need to do when writing college application essays? You should always start by collecting a lot of information about yourself. It is very important that you write about what you know about yourself. If you forget to give enough information, you might end up making a wrong decision on what college to apply to.When writing your essay, try to look at things from a ll possible angles. Write about how you see yourself. This is an essential part of an essay, since it helps the reader relate with you better. Make sure that you narrate everything about yourself in the most creative way possible.Another important thing to remember when writing college application essays is to focus more on the facts rather than the things you want to say. Try to write about the common events that you experienced during your college days. Never talk about what is popular in your society at that time.Another thing to remember when writing college application essays is to choose words carefully. It is so easy to use one or two wrong words that you would never think of saying if you were in a normal situation. But when writing for an essay, you do not even have that choice.Use these tips to help you when you are writing. You can make sure that the essay is perfectly worded and grammatically correct. The more clearly you describe the essay, the better it will sound.In o rder to make sure that you have written the best college application essays ever, I strongly suggest that you hire a ghostwriter to do this for you. You can save a lot of money and time by having someone else write your essays for you.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Biodiversity, Or Biological Diversity - 1609 Words

Introduction: Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is a term first coined in 1985 by Walter G. Rosen concerning the number of species in a particular habitat and revolved around the idea that diversity cannot solely be understood through numbers (Maclaurin and Sterelny, 2012). However, before 1985 biodiversity was related to concepts of â€Å"genetic diversity and ecological diversity†. This allowed to further define ecological diversity with species richness as â€Å"the number of species in a community of organism†. Biodiversity is more than just the amount of species in an area but rather better measured by taxic measures, molecular measures, and phylogenetic measures (Harper and Hawksworth, 1994). Today, zoologists have estimated that†¦show more content†¦Our method of capture was the pitfall trap (digging a hole in the ground and placing a cup) that was filled with isopropyl alcohol. The independent variables for this experiment included location (habita t 1 vs habitat 2) and sun vs shade. The way biodiversity was measured through the arthropod collection project by primarily using statistics including the sum of individual specimens, the sum of taxa, and evenness. The sum of individual specimens allows for the depiction of abundance. The sum of taxa is better known through richness or more specifically how common a certain arthropod is. Lastly, using the Burger- Parker index, evenness is the â€Å"lack of dominance† which is known as â€Å"1/Pm† (UNO Department of Biological Sciences,1999). Methods: This experiment was conducted in New Orleans and Kenner, Louisiana which are located in Orleans and Jefferson Parish, however, Kenner is more suburban rather than city. Conducting this experiment required setting out eight pitfall traps (four in each habitat) which were labelled cups one through eight. This experiment was conducted over the time frame of three weeks in order to collect approximately 100-200 arthropods. Every day for three weeks, cups (pitfall traps) were placed in two different habitats (Kenner and New Orleans) and put out every morning and picked up every night. The shadeShow MoreRelatedBiodiversity, Or Biological Diversity1720 Words   |  7 PagesBiodiversity, or biological diversity, is a technical term that captures diversity of the whole living world, from genes to individual species, through plant and animal communities and entire biomes (Defra, 2010). In other words, biodiversity represents genes, species, and ecosystems, which are the structural elements th at are nestled within each other, and their ecological functions, in an area (Cepel, 1997; Ozcelik, 2006). Biodiversity provides the building blocks for our ecosystems to functionRead MoreEssay about The Importance of Biodiversity1310 Words   |  6 PagesWhat exactly is Biodiversity? Biodiversity is generally defined as â€Å"the existence of many different kinds of plants and animals in an environment.† (Merriam Webster Dictionary, n.d.) However, there is no single definition for biodiversity. One definition for biological diversity is â€Å"a diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment† (Biological Diversity, n.d.). Biodiversity can also be defined as â€Å"the number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region†Read MoreThe Impact of Humans on the Biological Diversity of Natural Ecosystems1525 Words   |  7 PagesThe Impact of Humans on the Biological Diversity of Natural Ecosystems Introduction Since humans have come into existence they have always been a cause of change of whatever natural areas they inhabit along with the living organisms of those natural areas. The different types of organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms that inhabit these areas are known as biological diversity or biodiversity. (USEPA 2010 ) Biological diversity can be affected by many different things, climate changeRead MoreDiversity Is The Essence Of The Word Unique1099 Words   |  5 PagesDiversity is the essence of the word unique. Diversity allows humans to acquire knowledge from fresh experiences, broadening the tendency to be narrow-minded. Diversity makes its prominent presence known in the work place, social groups/communities, and, of course, our home, Penn State. Finally, diversity brings innovation, allowing the world to progress in various aspects; however, without the division of paramount of diversity, referred to as biological diversity, life as the world knows it wou ldRead MoreImpact Of Biodiversity On The Environment1267 Words   |  6 PagesBackground Vast biodiversity is the key feature that makes Earth unique in comparison to other planets. Not only are there 7 billion people inhabiting the Earth, so are 9 million different types of plants, animals, protists and fungi. It was recognized in the 1980’s that species were being lost at rapid rates from ecosystems. It is known that all organisms play important roles within their ecosystems being that organisms interact with their ecosystem through feedback mechanisms (Cardinale, B. JRead MoreIntroduction Knowledge has always been transferred from older generation to younger generations700 Words   |  3 Pagesimmemorial, and in this regard biodiversity is no exception. The knowledge of the hunters and gatherer societies, cultivators, and fishers to mention a few, have developed knowledge specific to their field of operation. There have been sources laying down the importance of the traditional knowledge, as pre-scientific traditional systems of management have been the main means by which the traditional societies have managed natural resources for millennia . Thus biodiversity conservation holds primaryRead MoreEconomics to Biodiversity989 Words   |  4 Pagesi. Biodiversity First Even if many conservation organisations and many others have been engaged in the environmental protection, yet there is a divide about how people look at it and are ready to get engaged in such activities. Environmental education should -create awareness, -transmit information, -teach knowledge, -develop habits and skills, -promote values, and provide criteria and standards and present guidelines for problem solving and decision-making. This needs classroom as well fieldRead MoreBiodiversity626 Words   |  3 PagesBiodiversity a.Biodiversity- is the degree of variation of life. It is a measure of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems. This can refer to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, or species variation (number of species) within an area, biome, or planet. Terrestrial biodiversity tends to be highest near the equator, which seems to be the result of the warm climate and high primary productivity. Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth. It is the richest in the tropicsRead MoreMarine Biodiversity : A Global Pattern Essay1461 Words   |  6 PagesMarine biodiversity Definition: Marine biodiversity refers to the species richness and abundance of genes, species and habitats in the world s oceans and seas. And since the world is covered with approximately 70% water the amount of life in the oceans is enormous. According to the definition of the Convention on Biological Diversity, biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources, including inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecologicalRead MoreThe Potential Factors Affecting The Environment1107 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION Biodiversity term used for the variety and variability between all types of living organisms such as microorganisms, plants and animals available in a particular area covered by natural conditions. The term biological diversity first coined by Norse and Mc Mangus in 1980 (Rawat and Khare, 2010). According to the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment (1987), biological diversity is the variety and variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they occur. Biological diversity

Friday, May 15, 2020

What Are The Advantage And Disadvantage Of Men Having...

What are the advantage and disadvantage of men having paternal leave with pay? Introduction Paternal leave is an employee benefit available to paid time off work to care for their children. Paternal leave is also call parental leave or family leave include maternity, paternity, and adoption leave. Paid parental leave has been available as a legal right and/or governmental program for many years, in one form or another. In 2015, the International Labor Organization reviewed parental leave policies in 185 countries and territories. It found that laws vary in whether leave is paid by the employer or through social security for female. However, specific for male paternal leave is usually in developed countries only. There are only 40†¦show more content†¦So the company can save the resource. But, when men also have paternal leave. This makes male have the opportunity to take the paternal leave. This reduces the opportunity cost for hiring male. For employers, the paternity leave is cost-effective employee incentives. Second provide a family friendly situation. Employer let their employee have a paternal leave. This will show the concern to their employee. This can provide a friendly situation for the company. Having a humane policy can improve the scenes of belonging of the company. Many surveys indicate that in the process of birth, whether it is male or female are also facing change on psychological and character. Therefore paternity leave to accompany her husband to his wife Sue, also a partner to provide emotional care, reduce postpartum depression crisis. As the author of around a lot of friends in this Year of the Dragon childbearing, so seeing many fathers and learn to take care of new life and hard work of both the heavy lifting. For these families, legislative and paternity leave, for all family members to reduce stress and avoid emotional disease, and united and harmonious family having a great effect. Men s paternity leave also can promote partnerships, effective in encouraging the participation of men in the family, to promote coordination on educated parents. Foreign study also pointed out that paternity leave fathers could enhance children s participation in the future growth process, and help theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Redefining Public and Priv ate3866 Words   |  16 Pagestogether, of their normative significance. The mantra of second wave feminism, the personal is political, signifies the first attempt to break down the gendered division between the private sphere attributed to women and the public sphere of men. There is no clear origin of this public/private division; it could have been, as Germaine Greer humorously suggests, while the male-hunter-gatherer strolled along burdened with no more that his spear and a throwing stick, his female mate trudged alongRead MoreCase Study148348 Words   |  594 PagesEarly 2009 The Formula 1 Constructors Web Reservations International: Challenging Industry Norms Manchester United FC: Continuing Success but at What Cost? Hermes Fund Management, Total and Premier Oil: The Responsibility and Accountability of Business From Small Town Pharmacy to a Multinational Corporation: Pierre Fabre, Culture as a Competitive Advantage Cordia LLP: Service Reform in the Public Sector 170 175 180 183 193 196 201 207 213 223 226 230 3  © Pearson Education Limited 2011 JohnsonRead MoreTapal Tea Marketing Report12701 Words   |  51 Pagesea has now taken over the market, simply because of the high duty and taxes levied by the government on branded tea. Smuggled tea escapes all duties and levies, and therefore can be sold cheaply, as loose tea. Now efforts are being made to grow tea leaves locally. History of Tea Origin of Tea – Legend Myths and Facts First Discovery According to Chinese mythology, in 2737 BC the Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung, scholar and herbalist, was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking waterRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 PagesStage One: Where are we now? Strategic and marketing analysis 2 Marketing auditing and the analysis of capability 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Learning objectives Introduction Reviewing marketing effectiveness The role of SWOT analysis Competitive advantage and the value chain Conducting effective audits Summary 3 Segmental, productivity and ratio analysis 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 Learning objectives Introduction The clarification of cost categories Marketing cost analysis:Read MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words   |  518 Pagesto be re-written. Soon it became clear that some fairly drastic re-arrangement was called for, particularly among the verbs. Here, for example, is the section under -ba as it stands in the MS (the numbers at the left have been added for reference in what follows; the later entries in red ink are distinguished, as in the MS, by the use of =): 4 High and low tones were marked throughout. Both high and downstepped high were marked with the acute accent, although there was a separate list at the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Othello Through Marxism and Formalism - 1481 Words

A.P. Lit/Critical Lens Essay 03-25-13 Who’s Got The Power? Throughout all of human existence, the desire for power has overruled everything. We are constantly trying to be better than the ones around us, and are jealous of those who are on top. In many situations, it seems that no matter how hard we try, we can never get to that point of control that we so badly strive for. In Shakespeare’s tragically deceptive play, â€Å"Othello†, the symbolism and conflict throughout the play continually demonstrates Iago’s struggle to gain power. Through Iago’s miserable fail to obtain the power he so badly aspires, Shakespeare proves that the human race can never be happy with what they have, and that they are always trying to be better than everyone†¦show more content†¦Lets see:-- After some time, to abuse Othellos ear That he is too familiar with his wife. He hath a person and a smooth dispose To be suspected, framed to make women false. The Moor is of a free and open nature, That thinks men honest that but seem to be so, And will as tenderly be led by the nose As asses are. I havet. It is engenderd. Hell and night Must bring this monstrous birth to the worlds light.† The following situation also proves Iago’s ability to effectively use his power over Othello’s intelligence and jealousy. Othello was very gullible and innocent, so Iago took complete advantage of that. He makes Othello believe that Desdemona is unfaithful toward him with Cassio. He does so through a multitude of ways: â€Å"If I can fasten but one cup upon him, With that which he hath drunk to-night already, Hell be as full of quarrel and offence As my young mistress dog.† He gets Cassio drunk, because he knows Cassio will make a fool out of himself, which helps Iago get closer to Othello, and helps gain his respect. Iago also speaks with Desdemona and manipulates her into helping Cassio get his job back, which seems very strange to the jealous Othello. All of these situations prove Iago’s power over Othello’s intelligence, and he gains his control through making Othello fiercely jealous. Each situation of manipulation proves Shakespeare’s characterization of Iago. He was an evil antagonist, and would do anything to get to the top. Due

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Global Destination Competitive In Singaporeâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Explain on Global Destination Competitive? Answer: Introduction It has been identified that Singapore remains as a great destination of choice for global investors as well as international travellers. The country is widely acknowledged due to its effective as well as competitive business environment. The government of the nation has positioned the investment between the two rapidly growing economies of China and India as well as the promising economy of Asia (Lee, 2012). The nation is a critical path with the strategic capability as well as access to fulfil the demands of global business. The existing of several leading global organizations as well as the local firms remains as the testimony of Singapores excellence in manufacturing and services. A significant bridge between the EAST and the WEST for decades enables Singapore to embrace tradition as well as modernity (Eeckels, Filis Leon, 2012). Over the decades, the nation has witnessed a tremendous transformation in Singapores tourism environment and it has achieved an increasing growth in tour ism. Now, the major policy of the country is to work effectively with the global investors to enhance the new top-class attraction and attract the strategic leisure business evens to Singapore. The major focus of the report is on the evolution of Singapores tourism sector and countrys future initiatives to maintain this sustainable growth. The report focuses on how the government of the country is dealing with the foreign investors to increase the growth of the tourism sector as one of their major revenue source. The major objective of the paper is to evaluate the current FDI policies applied in the tourism sector of Singapore to increase the economic growth of the country. The outcome of the paper revolves around the fact that FDI policies in respect with the tourism sector of Singapore effectively contributes to the growth of sector as well as Singapores economy. In order to understand the effectiveness of FDI policies in tourism sector, a critical analysis has been conducted with the outcomes found the existing literature. Literature Review Fereidouni and Al-mulali (2014) depicts that Foreign Direct Investment signifies the investment made by an organizational or an individual body either for acquiring business assets and establishing business operations. In Singapore, marketers invests for acquiring establishing their business especially in tourism sector and this is the reason that FDI in Singapore have enhanced by 24859.90 SGD Million by the year 2016 (, 2017). Mode for making foreign investment Swee-Hock and Wong (2014) portrays that the size of the market and likeliness of the future wealth of consumers together drives the economic growth rates of a nation. Moreover, after accessing the entry to a foreign market, it is the lability of the marketers to choose the best mode of entry. Some of the best modes are franchising, turnkey projects, licensing, exporting and most importantlyestablishing new wholly owned subsidiaries and formulating a joint venture for sharing profits with the local bodies. Swee-Hock and Wong (2014) Moreover, highlight that Singapore has a very rich culture and have many places to visit. Thus, foreign companies prefer to invest in formulating a joint venture or to own a subsidiary. Political and Economic system of Singapore Singapore has an open economy and the Singapore Government adopts a free enterprises or open door policyso that foreign investors can get more attracted towards the industry like tourism, telecommunication andfinance sector (Fereidouni Al-mulali, 2014). United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Japan are among the top sources of FDI in Singapore (, 2017). However, investors intends to invest more in the tourism sector as identifying the tourism desire of a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society like Singapore is easy compared to any other businesses (, 2017). Thus, Singapore being a country, where there are 75% are ethnic Chinese, 7% ethnic Indians and 17% ethnic Malays, it is beneficial for the foreign investors for establishing their travel enterprises (ACRA, 2017). In this way, people from the home country also desire to visit the tourist location in the host country. FDI Policy in Singapore All business must registered under Accounting Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Singapores Economic Development Board (EDB) facilitate foreign investment in Singapore A non-resident entity can invest in Singapore under the Government route. OCBs have been derecognized as a class of investors in Singapore. There is no capital on the aggregate investment by foreign investors Direct registration of foreign mutual funds is allowed Foreign Law Firms are also allowed for Qualifying Foreign Law Practice (QFLP) licenses Advantage of FDI policies in Singapore According to the Singapore FDI policy, tourism and hospitality sector gets the advantage of lower risk of obtaining licensing and franchising, fast establish and operation for obtaining a joint venture. Moreover, there is a lower risk of shared cost, benefit from local partner and political considerations for establishing joint ventures (ACRA, 2017). Swee-Hockn and Wong (2014) on the other hand denotes that FDI policy in Singapore also provides tight overall control and 100% share of profits in formulating wholly owned subsidiary. Disadvantage of FDI policies in Singapore There is less risk but still risk of losing expertise is present in FDI policy of Singapore. Moreover, maintaining quality control and tight control of partnership is one of the major disadvantages that are occurred due to culture difference (, 2017). Lastly, conflicts, battles and loss control of technology in conducting business are some more disadvantage of Foreign Direct Investment. Methodology The effectiveness of the analysis depends on the methodology and resources used in the paper. The methodology determines the outcome of the research; thus, it is necessary to implement the appropriate research procedures to receive the desired outcome. Thus, to conduct, the critical analysis, existing journals on FDI policies in tourism sector of Singapore has been reviewed. Different opinions and views regarding the FDI policies have been evaluated in the papers. Likewise, theories and models such as Steward Island country theory have been discussed to build the argument. The critical discussion in the literature review focuses on different elements of DC model to analyze the current conditions of Singapores tourism sector. Similarly, to analyze the competitiveness of the tourism sector, different theories and models related to competitiveness have been discussed in the above-mentioned analysis. The models help to analyze how a business environment with developing economy can be suc cessful in the global competition. In addition, it is also analyzed how global economy is affecting the countrys business. Moreover, the critical discussion also represents the forces associated with the foreign direct investment that could attract or disappoint the foreign investors. In order to make the analysis of the topic, different opinions and views of authors have been discussed the key ideas regarding the tourism an FDI policies mentioned by the scholars in the previous studies have been linked with the ideas found in the current research. To analyze the situation regarding Singapores tourism sector, the past record such as growth, challenges, threats and economy have been compared and contrasted with the present record. Based on the comparison, appropriate assessment has been developed in the paper. In addition to this, while comparing the ideas, the statements of many scholars and critics have been linked to increase the effectiveness of the discussion. Thus, to make this comparison, many blogs, critics reviews, annual reports of tourism sector, newsletters, journals and other secondary sources have been used in the paper. Most importantly, all data has been collected from the reliable sources like Academy of journal, Journal of Management and other equ ivalent sources. To build an appropriate discussion on the topic, the outcomes of previous research papers have been linked with the key objectives of the paper. The literature review has been conducted based on the objectives formed in the introductory sector of the report. The facts included in the discussion are derived from the outcome of the content analysis. Content analysis- Policy review- Even though, Singapore observes a significant growth in the tourism sector, the industry faces some severe challenges that exist in the market. The consumers are becoming more technically-savvy as well as consequently more demanding. As out forward by Horng et al., (2012), disruption is becoming the millennial norm and yet there is an increasing grey segment, which could result in a dichotomy of worlds as well as the explosion of growth. On the other side, the destinations in the region and across the globe are developing their strategies with the focus of tourism attraction as well as increased marketing investment. Thus, while dealing with these highly competitive forces, the nation Singapore faces the resource constraints at the same fighting with the misperception issues. Thus, there is a significant need for Destination Singapore to support the market efforts to figure out Singapores ambitions in improving the tourism sector. On the contrary, Ringer (2013) mention ed that Singapore Tourism sector possesses enhanced capabilities in the design, development as well as the production of advanced products. In addition to this, it has also been observed that by leveraging on its strength as the hub for services like logistics and education, the nation is expected to become Asias one of the leading service hubs, which provide the world-class and advanced services. Competitive advantage- The standard living of the nation is determined by the productivity, with which it utilizes its people, capital as well as the natural resources. The tourism sector of Singapore competes on the most productive environment for the business. The productivity of tourism sector increases as both visitors as well as tourism receipts increased and it is forecasted to reach a historical increase in 2017. While the arrivals of visitors increased by 7.8% to 17.8 million, the tourism receipts has increased by 13.9% to $23.8 billion (Tan, Wang Sia, 2013). Thus, the strong tourism receipts came on visitors spending;especially on food, beverage, accommodation and shopping. The CEO of Singapore Tourism Board has mentioned that the sector is heartened by increased performance in the last year. In spite of the significant challenges like poor economic performance in nations highly developed markets as well as Zika virus outbreak, the country has managed to attract the high qua lity visitors to increase the economic growth. In addition to this, competitive advantage in the tourism sector also comes from the highly developed airline services. Discussion The above-mentioned analysis helps to discuss that the tourism sector in Singapore has some significant business opportunities. The implementation of those opportunities could contribute to the economic growth of the country. The most significant fact that found in the analysis is the governmental support towards the sustainability of the tourism sector. Furthermore, the critical analysis also helps to learn that the industry is supported by the increased productivity and arrivals of foreign visitors in the countrys attractive destinations. Moreover, the stakeholders of the industry have the ability to tap on the technology to enhance their productivity and increase the business to business to collaboration (Christie et al., 2013). On the business tourism, the sector is supported by 410 business events that held in the last year. It is observed that generated around 343,000 visitor arrivals, which generated around $11 million in tourism receipts (Teo Chang, 2012). This further increa ses 28% increases year on year respectively. In spite of the potential challenge, the tourism sector in Singapore has achieved a tremendous growth. In addition, it can also be mentioned that the growth of the tourism sector is influenced by the FDI policies. Conclusion On the completion of the report, it can be mentioned that tourism sector in Singapore is at the crossroads. The unparalleled growth of the past few years enables the industry to make the strategies for the sustainability of the sector. The companies in the sector competing in the interesting phase, as the internal as well as external constraints could pose real and urgent concerns for the developed future of Singapore tourism sector. References ACRA.(2017). Retrieved 7 May 2017, from Chen, H. J., Chen, P. J., Okumus, F. (2013).The relationship between travel constraints and destination image: A case study of Brunei.Tourism Management,35, 198-208. Christie, I., Fernandes, E., Messerli, H., Twining-Ward, L. (2013). Tourism in Africa: Harnessing Tourism for Growth and Improved Livelihoods. (2017). GIP Global Investor Programme Factsheet EN.. Retrieved 7 May 2017, from Eeckels, B., Filis, G., Leon, C. 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Monday, April 13, 2020

Roman Architecture Notes Essays - Architecture,

Roman Architecture Notes Q: Why is the colosseum so historically significant? M assive stone amphitheater known as the Colosseum was commissioned around A.D. 70-72 by Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty as a gift to the Roman people In A.D. 80, Vespasian's son Titus opened the Colosseum-officially kn own as the Flavian Amphitheater with 100 days of games, including gladiatorial combats and wild animal fights A fter four centuries of active use, the magnificent arena fell into neglect, and up until the 18th century it was used as a source of building materials Measuring some 620 by 513 feet (190 by 155 meters), the Colosseum was the largest amphitheater in the Roman world. Inside, the Colosseum had seating for more than 50,000 spectators, who may have been arranged according to social ranking but were most likely packed into the space like sardines in a can (judging by evidence from the seating at other Roman amphitheaters). Awnings were unfurled from the top story in order to protect the audience from the hot Roman sun as they watched The vast majority of the combatants who fought in front of Colosseum audiences in Ancient Rome were men (though ther e were some female gladiators) Gladiators were generally slaves, condemne d criminals or prisoners of war Q: How did roman roads shrink the world? This is an expression which refers to travel being made quicker and easier by th e development of communications Romans build a vast road network in their empire which totalled 400,000 kilometres (250,000 miles) 20% of which (80,500 kilometres, 50,313 miles) were the famous stone-paved roads With the use of concrete and the arch, the Romans were able to build bridges which were much longer than ever before and could cross wider valleys and rivers This made it possible to cross mountains with much greater ease and to cross rivers much more qui ckly Bridges helped to develo p such a vast network of roads. Trajan's bridge crossed the river Danube and although it was on ly functional for a few decades It was the longest arch bridge for more than 1,000 years. It was 1,135 m (3,724 ft.) long, 15 m (49 ft.) wide, and 19 m (62 ft.) above the water level Q: How did the republic an period influence roman architecture? Republican Roman architecture was influenced by the Etruscans Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, begun in the late 6th century B.C.E., The temple was erected from local tufa on a high podium (its frontality stood out) The porch is very deep and the visitor is meant to approach from only one access point, rather than walk all the way around The presence of three cellas, or cult rooms, was also unique In the late Republican period, architects began to experiment with concrete, testing its capability to see how the material might allow them to build on a grand scale The Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia in modern day Palestrina is comprised of two complexes, an upper and a lower one The upper complex is built into a hillside and terraced with ramps and stairs leading from the terraces to the small theater and tholos temple at the pinnacle The entire compound is intricately woven together to manipulate the visitor's experience of sight, daylight and the a pproach to the sanctuary itself No longer dependent on post-and-lintel architecture, the builders utilized concrete to make a vast system of covered ramps, large te rraces, shops and barrel vaults Q: Where did roman architecture originate from? Roman architects continued to follow the guidelines established by the classical orders the Greeks had first shaped : Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian- The Romans did add ed their own ideas and their version of the Corinthian capital became much more decorative The Romans also created the composite capital which mixed the volute of the Ionic order with the aca nthus leaves of the Corinthian The Tuscan column was another adaptation of a traditional idea which was a form of Doric column but with a smaller capital, more slender shaft with out flutes, and a moulded base The Tuscan column (as it came to be known in the Renaissance period) was especially used

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Abortion Exploratory Essay Example

Abortion Exploratory Essay Example Abortion Exploratory Essay Abortion Exploratory Essay ayCatalina Tellez ENC 1102 What’s right? What’s wrong? Under what conditions should abortions be allowed? Another controversial to date is abortion. It has been the subject of debate for centuries between many human rights activists, religious groups, and even health care practitioners. There is a myriad of factors that contribute towards the decision if to go for or against abortion. For this reason I cannot make a choice whether I am pro life or pro choice. Most pro-life or anti-abortion people say that the government should make ineffective a woman’s decision to have an abortion in most cases and require her to continue her pregnancy and give birth to the baby. Those promoting pro-choice say that the government should not interfere with the woman’s decision, she should be able to have an abortion if she wants to. So the question I will be exploring in this paper is: Should abortion be the choice of a woman, or not allowed at all? That is a question that has led to many debates worldwide. It is of great interest to me due to the fact I am a women and every woman has the possibility of being exposed to a situation in which they have to decide whether or not to have an abortion. The first source I acquired was from an articled called â€Å"Social Sources of Womens Emotional Difficulty After Abortion: Lessons from Womens Abortion Narratives† written by Katrina Kimprt. In this online article I was able to see that women were interviewed after they had an abortion to see the emotional effects the abortion had on them. 1 women were interviewed, and all 21 were suffering post abortion effects. These interviews were done through the phone. They recruited these women through two different ways, one being a direct sample that was made for a separate research project on the experiences women had after abortion. The second way was the women were partnered with two abortion support talk lines. These strategies seem very effective because it wasn’t just a 10 minute in terview; it had a length of 75 minutes. Throughout the interview questions like â€Å"how did the family, partner involved, and friends respond? and â€Å"how did the people that surround you have an effect on your decision in having the abortion? † The most thorough question asked was how she felt emotionally after the abortion. The women weren’t just from one age range, the ages ranged from 21-48. Which gives a good amount of diversity because it demonstrates dissimilar levels of maturity? Five of those women had gone under two abortions, eleven only had one abortion, and the other five had more than two abortions. More than two abortions is a preposterous amount though. Four of the twenty one women had medication abortion which is one that is done by taking medications that will end a pregnancy and the other sixteen had aspiration abortions which are when a hollow tube is inserted into uterus and the fetus is â€Å"sucked† out. The women throughout the interviews said that abortions were very emotionally complicated because it was difficult for them to find someone to give them moral support after the abortion and having to make the decision before the abortion. Women commented that most of them made the decision by themselves because they felt no one else felt what they were going through. When the few women that explained that the decision of having an abortion wasn’t theirs they reported having very unfavorable feelings. Most of these women reported that they barely told any of their relatives or friends that they had an abortion because they feared they wouldn’t receive moral support since most people are against abortion. The women that actually were brave enough to go ahead and tell their friends clarified that they had some friendships come to an end and distanced themselves from their family. From this source I now know that the support from friends or family received after having an abortion matters a lot when trying to overcome an abortion, meaning that if under any circumstance I have to have an abortion I would need an abortion I’d need moral support from my closest relatives so I don’t feel a sense of regret. Does this source convince the reader that to prevent this post-abortion emotions, one should just not have an abortion? This source doesn’t give me enough information for me to be able to decide if abortion should be allowed or not. My next source is  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision. www. womenshistory. about. com. by Jone Johnson Lewis. Roe v. Wade is the popular and historic Supreme Court decision overturning the Texas understanding of abortion law and making abortion legal in the  United States. The date of the decision was January 22, 1973. The effect of Roe v. Wade was that state laws limiting womens access to abortions du ring the first trimester of pregnancy was annulled by Roe v. Wade. State laws limiting such access during the  second trimester were maintained only when the restrictions were for the purpose of  protecting the health of the pregnant woman. Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the  United States, which was not legal at all in many states and was limited by law in others. The Roe v. Wade decision held that a woman, with her doctor, could choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without legal restriction, and with restrictions in later months, based on the right to privacy. This case was important in the history of the United States showing that in the constitution there is the belief that people have choices and a right to privacy. The third source I utilized was from a Planned Parenthood website. The article is called â€Å"In-Clinic Abortion Procedures. This source gives me exact details on the process of the abortion. The main question I asked myself when reading this was â€Å"Is it even safe for the mother? † Two types of abortions listed in this source were In-Clinic abortions and at home abortions. The most popular type of abortion is the In-Clanic abortions and that is the one I am going to go into detail about. The most common procedure done in these In-Clinic abortions are aspirations as mentioned earlier in this essay. The procedure itself typically takes less than 15 minutes Suction is created with either an electric pump or a manual pump. Both methods use the same level of suction, and so can be considered equivalent in terms of effectiveness and safety. D;E, dilation and evacuation, is the second kind of in-clinic procedure. D;E is usually performed later than 16 weeks after a woman’s last period while aspirations are done before the first 16 weeks after a woman’s last period. During an aspiration abortion,  your health care provider will examine your  uterus, and then you will get medicine for pain. You may be offered sedation then a  speculum  will be inserted into your vagina. The health care provider may inject a numbing medication into or near your  cervix. The opening of your cervix may be stretched with dilators, a series of increasingly thick rods. Or you may have absorbent dilators inserted a day or a few hours before the procedure. They will absorb fluid and get bigger. This slowly stretches open your cervix. Medication may also be used with or without the dilators to help open your cervix then given antibiotics to prevent infection. A tube is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. Either a hand-held suction device or a suction machine gently empties your uterus. Sometimes, an instrument called a curette is used to remove any remaining tissue that lines the uterus. It may also be used to check that the uterus is empty. When a curette is used, people often call the abortion a D;C: dilation and curettage. This process only takes about five to ten minutes max. During a D;E abortion your doctor will inspect you and check your uterus. You will get medication for pain and also may be offered sedation to make you more comfortable. A speculum will be inserted into your vagina then your cervix will be prepared for the procedure. You may be given medication or have absorbent dilators inserted a day or a few hours before the procedure, they will absorb fluid and grow bigger which slowly stretches open your cervix. You will be given antibiotics to prevent infection. In later second-trimester procedures, you may also need a shot through your abdomen to make sure there is fetal demise before the procedure begins. Your health care provider will inject a numbing medication into or near your cervix. Medical instruments and a suction machine gently empty your uterus. A D;E usually takes between 10 and 20 minutes. In-clinic abortion procedures are very safe but possible risks include: an allergic reaction, blood clots in the uterus, incomplete abortion, infections, injury to the cervix, undetected ectopic pregnancy, and very heavy bleeding. The process of abortion seems fairly quick and easy. It does not seem like it would be a huge hassle to have one and the Planned Parenthood website has a lot of information to help with decisions about abortions. The Planned Parenthood makes it seem simple and safe and makes it easy to consider abortion. After reading this source it really makes me question myself if all past information against abortion is wrong and if abortion really is harmless and an easy process. Abortion: Questions and Answers. † By Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilkie, is my third source that I will be using. This book went in depth with pictures and articles about the method of abortions. The book divided the methods of abortion into three categories: the abortion method that takes over the uterus and kills the child by instruments which enter the uterus through the cervix, the abortion method that kills the pre-born child by supplying drugs o the patient and then those drugs stimulate labor and the delivery of a dead baby, and lastly the abortion method that raids the uterus  by abdominal surgery. This book has a lot of gruesome details and people have argued that it can make a pro-choice supporter change to pro-life. There were some parts in the book that made me feel like definitely abortions were awful. This book has a lot of information but I feel like they are frightening you into being pro-life instead of just showing you useful statistics and helpful pictures that make the reader understand why prolife is the most reasonable choice. This source made me think about how atrocious an abortion was but I think it was mainly because of the pictures that would follow after the explanation of a horrible abortion story. It is all rhetoric strategies the author uses so people are in the prolife side. I think this book made me want to be pro-life because it shows that the fetus is always human the moment it is conceived. Making it feel like you are â€Å"assassinating† your own child. Do most prolife books, websites, articles just use any way to make pro-choice seem like the worst idea or do they actually have reasonable arguments? Based on the sources I have researched and the information I have gathered, I believe I can make an educated decision about abortion. Should abortion be the choice of a woman, or not allowed at all? I believe abortion should be the choice of a woman. The four sources I used all gave information that helped me in making my decision because although one of the sources provided dreadful sources on the process of abortion and how the fetus looks like when aborted, this source was very bias because it used the sources just to get people on their side –prolife. Pro-life is a very good lifestyle but they want abortion banned. There are many factors that go into pregnancy and childbirth that make women give thought to having an abortion. Reality is most women wish they didn’t have to make the decision of having an abortion or not. For example, if someone was raped, pro-life would make her carry the pregnancy and give birth to the baby or what if you have barely enough financial support for yourself and cannot afford a child you should be able to have that choice to have an abortion. Abortion should be kept legal and no woman should be condemned for wanting one, it is their body and they have privacy rights. But  instead of sitting around and debating with each other for hours, lets help these women that are in the situation of having to choose on whether or not to have an abortion, let’s give them moral support. WORKS CITED Head, Tom. Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice.   About. com: Civil Liberties. N. p. , n. d. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. http://civilliberty. about. com. In-Clinic Abortion Procedures.   Planned Parenthood. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. lannedparenthood. org/. Kimport, Katrina, Kira Foster, and Tracy A. Weitz. â€Å"Social Sources of Women’s  Emotional Difficulty After Abortion: Lessons from Women’s Abortion  Narratives. †Ã‚  Perspectives on Sexual Reproductive Health  43. 2 (2011):103-109. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 26 Oct 2011. Lewis, Jone Johnson. Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision.   About. com: WomensH istory. N. p. , n. d. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. womenshistory. about. com. . Willke, J. C. , and Barbara Willke. Abortion: Questions and Answers. Cincinnati, OH:Hayes, 1985. Print. 1,988 words.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Advertising and consumer culture, Public Service Annoucement(PSA) Essay

Advertising and consumer culture, Public Service Annoucement(PSA) - Essay Example e political, religious, social, governmental health & safety issues such as smoking campaigns, education campaigns, fitness campaigns, safe driving, gambling awareness, obesity campaigns, safe sex responsiveness and alcohol prevention operations etc. PSAs are released on all media formats including radio, television, mass media, print media, and social media through indoor & outdoor advertisements etc. In a nutshell, public communication campaigns are a purposive endeavor to influence behaviors of larger audience in a short span of time whilst utilizing multiple channels to communicate mediated message with intentions to reap social benefits. There is a universal process across the globe to design PSAs, which entails situational analysis of the cause after which target audience and objective of the campaign are specified. Later on using coherent set of strategies an informational and persuasive message is developed providing information, organization details and tagline of the campai gn. In this assignment, The I Know Campaign has been discussed in detail which was initially created in Los Angeles due to the disturbing rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea dominance among women of color that later on spread throughout America. History of Public Service Announcements dates back to World War II in United States of America when radio broadcasters and other advertising agencies presented their services towards war efforts and in the process war advertising council also came into existence which served as voice of war information to people through radio, print and outdoor advertisements. Later on after World War II, advertising council turned into an institution to serve nationwide campaigns such as "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires", "Fight Cancer with a Checkup and a Check" and "A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste" etc. Such PSAs raised public awareness along with raising funds for research too. Now even after 70 years since first Public Service Announcement, no explicit

Friday, February 7, 2020

Project management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Project management - Coursework Example That is, business would go on as usual without interruption. Renovating such an old building considering the extent of the damage while at the same time worrying about the safety of millions of passengers passing by, posed a great challenge (Badiru 2009, pp. 71-78) Second, it was challenging to install sustainable resource utilization systems like new water systems considering that the building was constructed using old and outdated materials. Third, the project’s size and scale made it difficult to manage the suppliers effectively due to communication breakdown. The project had more than dozen employees and 11 suppliers reporting to the project manager. As a result, effective communication was compromised. Fourth, it was challenging to replace the network system in the terminal since the systems currently used by the passengers and flight systems would be shut down during the process. As mentioned the renovation was to take place without interrupting the usual activities. The network system replacement process was also a challenge (Larson, Gray, Danlin, Honig & Bacarini 2013, pp. 77-100). Despite the above mentioned and other challenges, strategies were formulated to ensure effective utilization of resources. The strategies comprise of the following: first, the project manager was strict on gauging the performance of different stakeholders with the standards set by BAA Airport Ltd. The strategy enhanced the performance of the suppliers, workers, and the contractor. Second, even though it was impossible to overhaul the water system, the contractors were able to replace lights and heaters with those that economically consume electricity. Third, the network system was improved without disrupting the usual activities at the terminal by use of â€Å"Online change control† software built by IT specialists. The strategies facilitated the delivery of project

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

How Reality Telivision Promotes Teen Pregnancy Essay Example for Free

How Reality Telivision Promotes Teen Pregnancy Essay Reality television often has the tendency to present an unrealistic view towards issues regarding real life situations. Teen pregnancy is one of the most misleading topics presented on reality television. Tabloids feed off of the shows popularity by plastering the pictures of the teens on magazines and online, making them seem more appealing. Teen pregnancy as presented on reality television shows is irresponsible, dangerous and misleading by promoting an unrealistic view of young parenthood, encouraging pregnancy and glamorizing the consequences that result from such issues. Parenthood is the leading cause of girls dropping out of school. More than 50% of teenage mothers do not graduate from high school. The United States has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the western world. Bearing a child at any age can be difficult but for teenagers it can have substantial negative effects not only for the teen but also for their families. Since teenagers are mainly dependent on their parents or guardians this burden is pushed back on them as well. Studies show that 3 in 10 American teen girls will get pregnant at least once before the age of 20. Thats nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies every year and about 25% of teen moms will have a second child within two years of their first child. In some cases, children born from parents who are adolescent will have more behavioral problem and poorer education than those children born to more mature aged parents. Childbearing also costs U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars due to increased public assistance programs, foster and public health care. Despite these unfortunate facts, between 1991 and 2013,  the teen birth rate has decreased from 61.8 to 26.6 per 1,000 teens. Although the birth rate has dropped, the U.S. still has the highest birth rate compared to other developed countries. According to a report by the Guttmacher Institute, 82% of teen pregnancies are unintended. Teen Mom is a reality show aired by MTV that broadcasts the lives of teenagers who are dealing with parenthood. Besides their dealing with parenthood they also have to face the challenges of finishing school, moving out of their parents home, finding a job to support their child and possibly their higher education. While these are ultimately real life situations and challenges todays society has a more lenient view towards pregnant women that are not married. Although majority of teens deal with the same issues once they are faced with having a child there are some pieces of reality television that is not much of a reality which can cause teens to be less concerned with how realistic theses shows are. Majority of the mothers on these shows have the full support of their parents whether it be finding them a home, watching the child while the teen is working or at school, and even monetarily. Not every parent will be supportive of their child having a baby nor will every parent be willing to assist their child in any way shape or form. Unfortunately it is not common for the fathers of the children to be uninterested in caring for the child or being financially responsible for their child. However, not every father is represented or acts like a dead beat father but the way they are represented on these shows does not realistically present the same outcome for each family. Aside from misrepresenting young parenthood the shows aired by MTV are often criticized of glamorizing teen pregnancy. The stars of the show are given extra publicity by having their names and faces on magazines and articles online with things regarding their lives outside of their pregnancy. A study found that the teens who watch shows such as Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant have a skewed idea of young parenthood. Teens who watch these shows heavily are led to believe that the young moms have supportive partners, substantial income and an enviable lifestyle which is a completely  untrue reality for other young parents who do not lave camera crews recording their every move. In a high school survey of 185, researcher were able to link teens who watched these reality shows with unrealistic views of what it is like to be a young parent. The teens seems to believe that being a young parent was easy which might increase the likelihood that they would be less cautious of having safe sex, not being so concerned with the consequences that can stem from unprotected sex. While talking about teen pregnancy majority of comment and conversations focus on the negative aspects, but there are certain aspects that people can consider when talking about such an important issue. Although teen parents are having a child it does not make them fully mature, this leaves room for the teens to grow and develop along with their child. Having a baby is a life changing thing and often it leads people to want more for not only themselves but also their child. This realization can lead to being more responsible not only with their lives and their babys life, but with what they have going on around them such as being employed to support their child and even gaining or continuing their education to make a better life for themselves. Balancing school with parenthood can be easier than balancing with a career. Since school often has flexible hours, or at least hours you can choose yourself, which allows you to give yourself more time. A full time college student has an average of 12-15 hours a week to take classes, with another 10-12 hours dedicated to studying there would be a max of 30 hours a week dedicated to school work. On the other hand a career takes up at least 40-60 hours a week without the luxury to have such flexible hours. In young parenthood there are some upsides that can be beneficial to the parents and the child but the cons outweigh the pros by far. Not only does the teen have to grow up faster and have greater responsibility than they usually would they are faced with a lack of socialization. Not being able to hang out with friends, going to prom and engaging in normal teenage  activities can cause young parents to feel more alone. After understanding pregnancy from either experience or an actual realistic experience teens will realize that pregnancy is a very serious thing and is even harder when you are young and cannot fully and independently care for yourself and your child. Unfortunately, reality shows like Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant only show partly what the teens have to deal with and even then it does not amount to the emotional aspects of dealing with such a life changing issue. Despite the seemingly positive results from teen pregnancy, there are more negative aspects in which reality shows try to glamorize which poses more levity to becoming a young parent. Should these shows be considered realistic when there are millions of teen parents who know what true parenthood is actually about?

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

ANCIENT GREEK WOMEN :: essays research papers

Ancient Greek Women In ancient Greek society women lived hard lives on account of men's patriarch built communities. Women were treated as property. Until about a girl’s teens she was "owned" by her father or lived with her family. Once the girl got married she was possessed by her husband along with all her belongings. An ancient Greece teenage girl would marry about a 30-year-old man that she probably never met before. Many men perceived women as being not being human but creatures that were created to produce children, please men, and to fulfill their household duties. A bride would not even be considered a member of the family until she produced her first child. In addition to having a child, which is a hard and painful task for a teenage girl in ancient civilization to do, the husband gets to decide if he wants the baby. A baby would be left outside to die if the husband was not satisfied with it; usually this would happen because the child was unhealthy, different looking, or a gi rl. Women had very few rights, they lived as prisoners, serving men 24 hours a day. Women were sheltered from society, restricted to their husbands and their husbands houses, crying out for help and justice but there is no one to there to hear their screams. In the play Antigone when the title character had to sneak out of the house to meet up with Ismene. Ancient Greek men ruled a lot like over protective fathers with teenage daughters. Men were also scared of women gaining confidence and begin thinking on their own or worse taking action or speaking out against men, like in the play Antigone where Antigone confronts Creon by burying Polyneices after Creon strictly stated that no one bury him. If someone were to bury him, the whole Polis would stone them to death. When Creon found out that someone buried Polyneices, he did not even consider that it could have been a women that did it. Why were women treated like animals? Greek society would not function without women, everything a man needs for proper living, food, clothing, wealth, sex, the continuance of human existence were all traits that women inquired. However women are also highly sexual beings that could overpower, hypnotize, and stimulate men's minds and soles. Similarly in modern society where a lot of men have lost families, jobs, money and their lives due to sexual addiction.

Monday, January 13, 2020

International accounting standard IAS Essay

We say Impairment has taken place when an asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. Carrying amount is the amount at which an asset is recognized in the balance sheet after deducting accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment loss. And recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell (sometimes called net selling price) & its value in use. Also the fair value is the amount obtainable from the sale of an asset in a bargained trasction between knowledgeable; willing party’s . on the other hand value in use is the discounted present of estimated future cash flows expected to arise from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life. Impairment of goodwill involves two steps: 1) Screening step 2) Computation step Impairment is calculated at a reporting unit level. Impairment is calculated when the carrying Amount of the goodwill for a reporting unit exceeds its implied fair value. A reporting unit is an operating segment, or one level below an operating segment. The Goodwill for one reporting unit may be impaired, while the goodwill for other reporting units may or may not be impaired Calculation of goodwill for impairment involves two major steps: Step 1: Identify impairment by comparing the fair value of each reporting unit with its carrying amount including goodwill. Assign assets acquired and liabilities assumed to the various reporting units. Assign goodwill to the reporting units. Determine the fair values of the reporting units and of the assets and liabilities of those reporting units. If the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount, there is potential goodwill impairment. The impairment is assumed to be due to the reporting unit’ goodwill since any impairment in the other assets of the reporting unit will already have been determined and adjusted for.. If the fair value of a reporting unit is more than its carrying amount, there is no impairment goodwill and Step 2 can be avoided. But where the result is vice versa step two can not be avoided a since goodwill impairment as taken place. Step 2: measuring the value for both tangible and intangible assets (impairment of goodwill) Step 2 is more complex than step1 because it requires that the fair market values of each of the identified tangible and intangible assets and liabilities of a reporting unit be estimated first before calculation takes place Value of Reporting Unit = Value of Identified Assets + Value of Goodwill = (Value of Reporting Unit- Value of Liabilities) = (Value of Identified Assets-Value of Liabilities) + Value of Goodwill = Fair Market Value of Equity = Fair Market Value of Net Assets + Fair Market Value of Implied Goodwill Summary and Conclusions Financial Accounting Standard 142 requires that goodwill emerging from acquisitions be tested to determine whether it has impaired or not because FAS 142 requires firms to effectively undertake a market test to see if Goodwill has been impaired. This test is completed in two steps as mentioned above. Reference: 1. International accounting standard IAS 36 2. Financial Accounting Standard (FAS) 142.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Barbara Kingsolvers Animal Dreams - 571 Words

The search for self-actualization in Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal Dreams Self-actualization is the greatness achieved by someone through his or her full potential. This can be done through one’s creativity, a deeper understanding of the real world and gaining independence. In Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal Dreams, The story focuses on the journey of self- actualization with the main character Codi. She was able to connect with peacocks to aid in finding her true self. She was also able to become more confident in herself through the love she receives from a boyfriend. Lastly, through the kidnapping of Codi’s sister, she was able to learn how to become an independent woman. Codi has not found who she is. She’s always considered herself an outsider to everyone who has already been on the path to self- actualization. Through peacocks, Codi was able to have a deeper understanding of why she feels so attached to her hometown even when she’s been travelling all over the world to find a home. She observes the peacocks and how they are a community and even when they venture off, they always come back to one another. When the Stitch and Bitch Club decides to sell peacock pià ±atas in support of clean water, the people decide Codi should be the one to write up a speech to the school about the pià ±atas and what they represent. â€Å"To my shock I was elected, in absentia, to write this epic broadside and get it mimeographed at the school† (Kingsolver 195).† Codi was shocked about the decisionShow MoreRelatedBarbara Kingsolvers Animal Dreams: Alice Essay613 Words   |  3 PagesBarbara Kingsolvers Animal Dreams: Alice She is dead. She does not appear physically but haunts mentally. She is Codi and Hallies mother Alice, the late wife of Homero Noline. Throughout the novel Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver, Alice impacted the characters, action, and theme(s). When Alice passed away she took part of Homer with her. What she left was a misfit of time and circumstance; an emotionally distraught and distant man who attempted to resemble a father but veered moreRead More Self-discovery in Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal Dreams Essay774 Words   |  4 PagesSelf-discovery in Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal Dreams Although, on the surface, Animal Dreams is a book about family conflict, the central theme is about self-discovery. Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver is a story about a family who lived in the town of Grace. The history behind Grace is very vivid and descriptive. The family that becomes the readers concern, is the Noline family. The family members are Homero Noline and his daughters Cosima and Halimeda. Cosima or Codi, as she is known inRead More Comparing the Messages of Animal Dreams and The Bean Trees Essay2332 Words   |  10 PagesMessages of Animal Dreams and The Bean Trees       Perhaps The Poisonwood Bible is Barbara Kingsolvers best work. It was while reading this book (which centers around The Congo and what the western world has done to this country) that I began to make the connection that all of Kingsolvers books contain a political and social message. She uses her stance as an author to illuminate her readers to situations and issues that she feels are important. Kingsolvers voice can be heard in Animal DreamsRead MoreProdigal Summer Analysis1721 Words   |  7 PagesBarbra Kingsolver’s novel, Prodigal Summer follows three separate plots as told by three separate women: Lusa, Deanna and Nannie. Through these resilient protagonists, Kingslover attempts to resist and deconstruct western gender roles and challenges historically patriarchal views through the lens of ecofeminism. Because they separate themselves from societal normality they interact with humans and nature differently than most in their respected communities. This rejecti on of patriarchal structures